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U-shape NicaceracoTM immersion burner tube

U-shape NicaceracoTM
Advantage Nicaceraco
U-shape NicaceracoTM immersion burner tube 02



[Practical application -1] Immersion heating Aluminum holding furnace by the U-shape Nicaceraco™ tube gas burner


* Immersion tube gas burner heating
* Exhaust gas after immersion heatig is recoverd via radiant heating through the ceilling of furanace

[Practical application -2] Aluminum charging-well melting and holding furnace by the U-shape Nicaceraco™ tube gas burner


* Immersion tube gas burner heating
* Exhaust gas after immersion heatig is recovered to pre-heat ingots for over 550°C
* The ingots are charged into the Aluminum wet well, immersed, and melted.
* An AIMEL™ ( a molten Aluminum ) pump circulates the molten Aluminum and make / keep bath temperature to be uniform.

[Practical application -3] Type : Ingot & Finely Shredded Scrap Charge & Melting

<Additional Feature to the above>

* A Permanent Magnet Stirrer Z-mag™ attached
* A degassing equipment Shizunami™ attached


Ceramic Composite Materials (NEOCERACO™)

* Because ofthe light weight with low density(1.6g/㎤), it can be easily handled at the operation.
* Excellent thermal shock resistance.
* Excellent durability.
* The efficient heart insulating property keeps the temperature of molten aluminum in the ladle, the running temperature of molten aluminum in the holding furnace doesn't need to be higher.
* Because of low wet ability of the ladle to the molten aluminum, the aluminum are easily removed from the ladle.
* Compared to conventional cast iron ladles, this ceramic ladle is free from Fe contamination,

Aluminum Chips Melting Furnace by Vortex

Aluminum vortex

* Aluminum finely chipped powders always generates at machining/finishing of aluminum parts.
The chips rapidly melt when they are put into the vortex well of molten aluminum.
* As the chips are quickly immersed into the molten aluminum at the vortex well, the chips are inhibited from oxidation, which results effective in-house recycling with a high yield.

Aluminum Rapid Melting & Holding Furnace

Aluminum Rapid Melting & Holding Furnace

* Immersing ingots into the molten aluminum at charging well and putting the chips into the vortex well, these raw materials melt rapidly. The molten aluminum circulates through chambers of the furnace.

* With melting into charging & vortex wells method and with heating by immersion NICACERACO ™ ceramic tube gas burner, generation of oxides are suppressed.

* The energy efficiency at the running of melting of aluminum and supplying of the molten aluminum is about 47% and superior to that of typical conventional melting and holding furnaces.

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